EU's GDPR & what it means for Websites - Time to Act

Considering a website is a company's/organisation’s window to the world and avenue where many times personal data is initially collected and stored, GPRS is fundamental. It is also the most obvious, immediate and direct place that authorities are likely to first scrutinise. We look at the GDPR and how a new website solution just might be wha...

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Business & New Ways of Thinking

Many parts of the population in Germany, like other European countries, seem to be somewhat unsettled by the rapidly advancing digital transformation happening. Of course it is also quite natural to resist the unfamiliar, and keep to old ways, but usually not so progressive.

Company owners, management, traditional organisations, and offic...

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Web & SEO Tips

Using #HashTags on Social Media

Yes, there is a strategy to using hashtags on social media platforms. Use hashtags sparingly and only when they add value and meaning to the words in your post. Overdoing it with how many words you hashtag in a single post, or how many words you put into the one hashtag can be confusing, ugly, and quite truthfully annoying.
